People who join the United Methodist Church promise to faithfully participate in the life of the church through their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Here are a few ways we strive to fulfill this promise to the our church and the church universal.
Prayer is a spiritual discipline. It connects us to God and God’s will. Prayer strengthens the bonds of the Christian Community as we pray with and for each other. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Our chapel is available for anyone to pray throughout the day. Each Thursday morning, we have a special prayer service at 7:30am. There is also a prayer box located in front of the church for anyone to offer up a prayer or prayer concern at any time. These prayers are received by the pastor and shared with the prayer team (unless indicated confidential).
Presence is an invitation to be exposed to the teachings of Christ and the church. We invite you to be fully present in the life of our church. There are many opportunities for you to participate in worship and small group ministries. Visit our What’s Happening page for an overview of recurring weekly and monthly events. On Sunday Mornings, we offer three worship services each with its own style. Click here to find out more and find the service that fits you. Wednesday Nights are packed full of fun for all ages. There are numerous Small Groups that also meet throughout the week. Together we are stronger than we are apart.
Gifts challenge us to invest in something larger than ourselves; to take what we have, connect ir to the giving of other and create something that will honor and glorify God. Our gifts become an outward and visible signs of our inward and spiritual faith. The generosity of our members and others changes lives. To see a sample of how gifts are used in the life of FUMC check out our missions listed here or head on over to our first kids and first youth pages.
Service is were we put ourselves on the line to do something. We become the hands and feet of Christ when we offer comfort, feed the hungry, visit the lonely and marginalized, house the homeless, and give hope to the hopeless. FUMC has many opportunities to be involved in service to the church, community, and beyond. Whether you passion is kids and VBS, youth and youth trips, or working behind the scenes, we invite you to share your time and talents. Below is a list of some of the ways you can serve.
We are called to glorify God not only in our actions but with our words. When Jesus called his disciples to go and make disciples of all the nations. (Matthew 28:19) he called us too. We are called to breakdown social and cultural boundaries as we proclaim the gospel. At FUMC, we strive to build meaningful relationships in order to grow disciples.