Church Policies
The FUMC Church Council in cooperation with the Board of Trustees, SPRC, and Children and Youth departments have worked to create policies that will provide guidelines, ensure continuity, and provide for the safety of all who take part in activities. Click on the links below to find the policy for you.
Facility Use
Safe Sanctuaries
Vehicle Policies
Our children and youth are some of the most precious things we will ever transport. The following policies have been developed to ensure the safety of ALL who travel on FUMC trips.
Christian marriage is one of the most significant covenants people make with God. We believe God ordained marriage and family relationships. It should never be entered unadvisedly, but reverently. The marriage ceremony itself is a worship service where we ask God to bless a newly formed home and family. In order to extend your wedding party every possible courtesy and assistance, uniform and accepted procedures have been adopted by the church. Please review these policies thoroughly and make sure to complete the necessary forms and payments on time so that your wedding planning can progress smoothly.